This is part II of our two part series on goal setting, inspired by the book, Smarter Faster Better by Charles Duhigg (get the full book summary here)
In part I, we talked about why it’s important to think big and develop stretch goals if we want to achieve our personal + professional dreams.
But if all we do is dream big and write down a long list of audacious aspirations, it’s unlikely that we’ll take any action on them. Why? Because most of the time, it’s unclear what, specifically, we need to do in order to make those dreams a reality. So, in this article/episode we’re going to focus on how to do that by pairing Stretch Goals with SMART Goals…
Because they serve two different purposes:
In the book, Duhigg tells us that the best way to do this is to put together a specific type of to-do list… one that forces you to first figure out your stretch goal, and then to figure out your SMART-goal (aka: a specific action plan to help you achieve your big, giant stretch goal.
So the solution is writing to-do lists that pair stretch goals and SMART goals:
“Come up with a menu of your biggest ambitions. Dream big and stretch. Describe the goals that, at first glance, seem impossible, such as starting a company or running a marathon. Then choose one aim and start breaking it into short-term, concrete steps. Ask yourself: What realistic progress can you make in the next day, week, month? How many miles can you realistically run tomorrow and over the next three weeks? What are the specific, short-term steps along the path to bigger success? What timeline makes sense? Will you open your store in six months or a year? How will you measure your progress? Within psychology, these smaller ambitions are known as “proximal goals,” and repeated studies have shown that breaking a big ambition into proximal goals makes the large objective more likely to occur.”
Let’s go over the steps to put one of these Stretch + SMART Goal to-do lists together:
STEP 1: Start with a blank page, and write your long-term stretch goal at the top of that page.
STEP 2: Below that stretch goal, write your SMART goals related to your long-term stretch goal
Another way to think about this stretch + SMART goal combination is to think of stretch goals as projects and SMART goals as all the actions you need to take in order to complete the project.
Here’s a few examples of creating to-do lists pairing stretch goals + SMART goals together:
Side note: It’s not even always important that you add every component of the SMART goal system, it’s just important that you’re constantly aware of what to do next while you’re also always reminding yourself of your larger ambition so you don’t get stuck in the weeds of doing things just for the sake of doing them.
“In short, we need stretch and SMART goals. It doesn’t matter if you call them by those names. It’s not important if your proximal goals fulfill every SMART criterion. What matters is having a large ambition and a system for figuring out how to make it into a concrete and realistic plan. Then, as you check the little things off your to-do list, you’ll move ever closer to what really matters. You’ll keep your eyes on what’s both wise and SMART.”
The difference between a person who sets big goals and fails to achieve them, and a person who sets big goals and makes them a reality, is a PLAN… Here’s how you can start putting one of your own together:
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