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  • Full payment is due prior to publishing your ad
  • Upon request, you may pay 50% before your ad gets published, and the remaining 50% within 1 business day of your ad going live
  • Payments are securely accepted via Paypal


  • Ideally, we prefer to publish placements that align with one of the following topics: Personal Development, Productivity, Technology, Business, Lifestyle, Health, Mental Health, Coaching, Goals, Stationary, Journals/Notebooks/Planners, Apps, Podcasts, Books, Training Content, Courses, Professional Training, Professional Services, Custom Designs. Not sure if you fall under any of these categories? Contact us to find out. 
  • We DO NOT accept placements related to: adult content, gambling, tobacco, or cannabis.
  • We reserve the right to reject placements if we feel they do not align with our values, branding, or genre. 


Q: Will my ad or sponsor post remain posted on your site permanently? 

A: Yes, as long as your promotion remains live and does not violate our content guidelines.

Q: Can you remove the "sponsor content" designation from our ad placement? 

A: No. All partner/sponsored/contributed content must be marked with one of the following designations:

  • Sponsor post
  • Sponsor content
  • Contributed by Author Name
  • Contributed by Company Name
  • Paid 
  • Paid ad
  • Advertisement

You may request a specific designation, but our editorial team will make the final decision upon which one to tag your placement with.

Q: What's your turnaround time for placing our ad content?

A: You can usually expect to see your placement go live within 2-3 business days. We will generally approve or reject your placement within 1 business day, followed by publishing your placement within 2 business days or less.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: Pricing varies depending upon your needs. Contact us for pricing.

Q: Can I place an ad on an existing article?

A: Yes. Pricing varies.

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