Are you OK?
I know we may not have ever met face-to-face. But I care and I'm really asking.
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Personally, I never thought I'd see something like this. A global pandemic? It's nuts.
Here in Irvine, CA, where my family and I live, it's probably a lot like it is out in your neck of the woods: empty shelves at the grocery store. Face masks. Gloves. Hand sanitizer... And this weird obsession with stocking up on toilet paper.
In any case, I hope you and your family are safe and healthy.
And one more thing...
I've heard it said before that the only way humanity would ever unite and come together is if we had a common enemy from another planet.
Well, here's the thing: for the first time I can think of, we now have that common enemy... And it's not from some other planet—it's right here on Earth.
And in times like these, we've really got to come together (not physically though! Keep your distance!).
We've just got to look out for one another.
Check-up on your friends and family.
Text your neighbors and ask them if they need anything.
Give your DoorDasher a little extra to show your appreciation.
And feel a profound sense of gratitude for all the health professionals and everyone else that's on the front lines of this pandemic—tirelessly working to get it under control for the greater good of us all.
Wishing you health and safety as we all get through this. Together.
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Dean Bokhari
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