I just got Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins. I've started reading and I'm on chapter 3. Is it worth finishing/trying or is it a bunch of psycho-babble?

Self-improvement question submitted by: Stanley T.


awaken the giant within summary

I'm reading a book right now about a science-backed approach to self-discipline written by a well-educated scholarly researcher... In the book, he pokes fun at Awaken the Giant Within and discredits it for being nothing more than pop psychology and a bunch of mumbo jumbo...

Although I can appreciate his dedication to a science-based approach to self-improvement, I take serious issue with him discrediting Robbins' work simply because he doesn't have "serious" research behind his strategies, or because his self-help strategies aren't based out of case studies conducted in a university lab.

The point I'm trying to make is, that Awaken the Gian Within changed my life and helped me achieve massive success in life + business, and it can do the same for you if you put the principles he preaches into practice on a consistent basis.

The big ideas

Here are some big ideas from Awaken the Giant Within that I found especially helpful:

* Believing in myself: or what scientist would refer to as: "developing self-efficacy"

* Setting actionable goals: for more on goal setting, go here. 

* Building better habitsor as Tony would call it: "success conditioning"

* Modeling successful people: figuring out who the best of the best is in what I'd like to succeed at, and then ask those people for help.

* Remaining consistent over prolonged periods of time (for long enough to see the fruits of your labor.) For example: Jordan Harbinger told me that he published new episodes of his podcast for 8 full years before he started to succeed... today, his podcast, The Art of Charm is consistently ranked #1 on the iTunes charts.

* Adjusting my expectations when necessary (for example: if I set a goal that's way beyond my current capacity -- and I'm unable to achieve it as a result -- I'll have to adjust my expectations, and consider setting a more attainable goal that's in line with my expectations.

* Managing my emotions. Rather than getting angry and stressed and beating myself up over not meeting my expectations (i.e. getting the goal / getting what I want); I know that I can always just figure out another way to get what I want by learning another strategy or repositioning my goal(s) so that I can *happily* work towards making it happen.

In summary: Awaken The Giant Within, is it legit?


The principles from the book actually do work... but *only* if you work em'.

And the only way to do that, is to:

--> finish the damn book
--> actually *use* the material Tony teaches. 
--> remain consistent with it over a prolonged period of time.

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