"Ask yourself, “What makes my heart sing?” Your passion is not a passing interest or even a hobby. A passion is something that is intensely meaningful and core to your identity. Once you identify what your passion is, can you say it influences your daily activities? Can you incorporate it into what you do professionally? Your true passion should be the subject of your communications and will serve to truly inspire your audience." —Carmine Gallo from Talk Like TED
A while back, a listener of the podcast wrote me asking about what I thought was the single most useful skill he could work on developing if he wanted to make dramatic changes to improve himself in life, both personally and professionally... Wanna know what my answer was?—To learn the skill of effectively communicating your ideas to other people.
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Additional resources:
See below - Bryan Stevenson's TED Talk: We need to talk about an injustice (mentioned by Carmine in the interview)
Dean Bokhari
"Dean Bokhari's Meaningful Show is the Self-Improvement Podcast I've been
waiting for. It's actionable, inspiring, and BS-Free." —Brett Silo
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