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"Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.” —Steven Pressfield, from The War of Art
Have you ever had a dream that you wanted to pursue—but didn’t?
Have you ever had a great idea with lots of potential—but failed to take action on making it happen?
Have you ever started a new gym routine, diet, project or program of any kind—but failed to follow through on it?
If you answered “yes” to any of the aforementioned questions, then you’re in the same boat as everyone else—suffering from what the author Steven Pressfield refers to as “Resistance.”
We’ve all been there. Resistance occurs when we try to break away from something old (a bad habit, a crappy career) in search of something new and better.
Here are some examples of Resistance:
Resistance is that voice that says, “I can always start my new diet tomorrow… but for now, let’s have one last slice of pizza.”
Anything that requires any amount of willpower, discipline, or fear-facing is a threat to Resistance.
And Resistance doesn’t like that very much.
Resistance is hesitation.
Resistance is procrastination.
Resistance is the very thing that prevents us from doing what we’re meant to do more than anything else.
Resistance isn’t personal either. It doesn’t play favorites and it has the power to hinder us from living the fulfilling life we desire and deserve… But only if we let it.
Even the best and most experienced among us feel Resistance on a regular basis.
For example, Pressfield writes about how actor/entertainer Henry Fonda would throw up prior to every performance. And Fonda’s been on stage several hundred times… did Resistance stop him? No. He battled with Resistance prior to every single show. And he won every battle with Resistance by accepting the fact that it was a natural occurrence for anyone doing anything they care deeply for.
At this point, it’s likely you’ve made some observations about Resistance:
All of the above—especially that one about fear—adequately describe the various forms of Resistance.
But how do we CRUSH resistance?
By keeping the following three things in mind...
Book Mentioned:
The War of Art: Break Through The Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles
by Steven Pressfield
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