As I was putting this piece together, I got curious about which words were similar (synonymous) with “decision” and which words were in direct opposition (antonyms) to it. Here’s what I found:
How fascinating …
Who doesn’t LOVE feeling determined? Who doesn’t LOVE getting results?
Here’s an even better question: would you rather feel determined, or the opposite? Conclusive, or the opposite? Do you prefer getting results in life, or the opposite?
Because the opposite is what we get when we can’t get ourselves to make DECISIONS!
The definition of “Decision” actually has Latin roots. The meaning of the word “decide” comes from the Latin word, decidere, which is a combination of two words:
To decide literally means to CUT OFF everything except the things that matter most.
This concept can be insanely powerful once we start applying it in our lives.
But to apply it, we need to know what we want MOST in life.
In other words, we’ve got to have an idea of
This isn’t as airy-fairy as it sounds, I promise.
Here’s an example from my own life:
I’ve got a lot of different ways to fulfill this purpose, and my most important decisions on a day-to-day basis are in some way related to me making sure that I focus on maintaining a CONNECTION between my purpose + my projects.
… in your life
… in your career/business
… in your relationships
… in every area of your life that actually matters.
People don’t miss out on living a fulfilling life because they somehow miss out on good opportunities … There’s no shortage of good opportunities… In fact, it’s the good opportunities that prevent people from achieving their greatness in the first place.
You want to be great? Stop settling for “good” opportunities.
Good is the enemy of GREAT. Don’t be too good to be great.
PS: Trouble figuring out what the hell you wanna do with your life? Confused about your purpose? This might help:
Dean Bokhari
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