✨ New Series: How to Become an Early Riser
Ever feel overwhelmed by too many ideas? You know the feeling I’m talking about, right? When you’ve got so many ideas flashing by your face that they sometimes deter you from focusing on the task at hand?
On today’s Q/A episode of the podcast, you’re going to learn how to solve that problem once and for all so that you can overcome overwhelm and perform at your peak on a daily basis.
Checkout Mike’s question below, and if you can relate to his pain, then tune-in to this episode—via the player below or on iTunes—to discover how I manage to stay focused and get massive amounts of meaningful work done—and still manage to maintain my energy, my flow, and my focus day after day…
I’m 20 years old, graduated from a business school in the Netherlands, and currently working hard at a startup & setting up my own business. I’ve read a lot of self-improvement and inspiring content. What I always see is this ‘magic moment’ in which people turn their life around in one direction. There’s so many things I want to do that I find it very hard to focus on the things I have to do now. My question to you is, have you experienced this as well? You have a lot of ambition and different projects going on, do you ever feel overwhelmed by your own ideas? What did you do to solve it? —Question submitted by: Mike W.
Click the player below to listen to my answer to the question above. Or click here to listen on iTunes.
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Idea Juicing: Find Your Best Ideas Using The 80/20 Principle
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Dean Bokhari
"Dean Bokhari's Meaningful Show is the Self-Improvement Podcast I've been
waiting for. It's actionable, inspiring, and BS-Free." —Brett Silo
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