


In this episode of the podcast you will learn about how:

  • Your self-talk plays a huge role in your self-image.
  • Your self-image plays a huge role in your self-confidence.
  • Your self-confidence plays a huge role in your ability to succeed in the various endeavors you decide to pursue in your life.

An all-star baseball player once decided to visit a prison to inspire the inmates to better themselves.

He told them a story about how his father always encouraged him when he was a little boy.

His dad always told him, “son, if you keep on hittin’ the ball like that, you’ll end up in the MLB one day.”

Sure enough, he ended up playing professional baseball.

Upon hearing this story, one of the prisoners stood up and said, “hey, my dad told me something similar when I was a little boy. Every time I did something my dad didn’t like, he looked at me and said, ‘son, if you keep on mis-behaving like this, you’ll end up in prison one day.”

Sure enough, he ended up in prison.

As it turns out, 90% of male prisoners were treated like dirt by their parents when they were children. Many of them were spoken to like they were prisoners WAY before they ended up behind bars.

Now, obviously this doesn’t mean that our parents determine the future for us in advance.

We all have the ability to respond to our circumstances however we choose. But it certainly makes things a lot easier if we have a solid foundation to build upon.

Regardless of how your parents spoke to you though, the take-away from this story is very simple: the way we SPEAK to ourselves plays a massive role in the way we PERCEIVE ourselves. And the way we perceive ourselves plays a massive role in how CONFIDENT we are. And our self-confidence determines whether we decide to take on challenges and pursue success in the face of adversity, or whether we decide to live below our highest potential. Do not allow yourself to do this.

Encourage yourself. Love yourself.

You cannot expect things to change in your life unless you change.

For things to change. You must change.

Your self-talk plays a huge role in your self-image.

Your self-image plays a huge role in your self-confidence.

Your self-confidence plays a huge role in your ability to succeed in the various endeavors you decide to pursue in your life.

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