Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulders Back

Standing up straight with your shoulders back is something that is not only physical, because you’re not only a body, you’re a spirit so to speak, a psyche as well. Standing up physically also implies and invokes and demands standing up metaphysically.  Standing up means voluntarily accepting the burden of being. -Jordan B. Peterson from 12 Rules for Life

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12 Rules for Life

Over the years, (former) Harvard and (current) University of Toronto professor and clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan B. Peterson has developed what he believes to be a definitive set of rules for leading a successful and fulfilling life.

Originally conceived of with 40 rules, Peterson has condensed them into a well thought out, manageable list of 12 total rules that he shares in his book.

He believes strongly in truth telling, human hierarchy, and gender roles. He believes that suffering is an inevitable aspect of life, that we can usher in heaven or hell on earth, and that people have it within themselves to create order out of chaos.

It’s also worth noting that this is an aggressive, in-your-face kind of Self-Help book — one which he packages and presents as the intersection of  ancient wisdom and scientific research.

Much of the ancient wisdom seems to come from religious scripture, while the scientific research serves as a way to backup the beliefs the author already holds near and dear to his heart. Nonetheless however—regardless of whether you consider yourself religious, un-religious, or somewhere in between—this is a powerful book that can help you develop a higher sense of self-discipline and self-reliance.

In today's episode of the podcast, we'll be looking at Peterson's first three "rules for life" from the book.

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EP#200. Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulders Back

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PS: If you're diggin' this, and want to dive into the rest of Jordan B. Peterson's 12 Rules for Life, you can checkout the full book summary here

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