Versions Available: Article, Audio (Podcast)
”Having knowledge but lacking the power to express it clearly is no better than never having any ideas at all.” —Pericles
When we don’t have clarity about our work, we procrastinate.
When we don’t have clarity about our own needs and the needs of our spouse/partner, we become disconnected and the relationship suffers.
When we lack clarity of purpose, we tend to get pulled in different directions by different forces (namely: people and circumstances).
When we’re unable to communicate with clarity, whatever message we’re working to get across doesn’t get across… Or, the meaning behind what we’re trying to communicate is misinterpreted—or altogether misunderstood—by the person on the receiving end.
When we don’t have clarity about which exercises we plan to do when we get to the gym, we’ll walk in there and meander from one exercise machine to another, without really getting a good sweat going.
Someone once said, clarity is power … It really is.
Prior to any new undertaking—however big or small—it’s worth asking ourselves how much clarity we need to succeed.
There aren’t many things more powerful than a life lived with passionate clarity.
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Dean Bokhari
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